
Saturday, January 21, 2012


Just like the trucks, bajajis sport mottos on back. This one made me laugh... because life IS heard! ...It's hard, but it's quirky and makes you laugh too. And, we are heard in the hard times.

I waited patiently for the Lord;
And He inclined to me,
And heard my cry.

Psalm 40:1

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Something New

We had a day off school this Thursday... and for the first time since I came to Tanzania I made a picture. It's inspired by my bathroom window. The mediums include African fabrics, crayon, paper bag, acrylic, ...and glitter, thanks to generous glitter donors!

It was a refreshing time, creating, seeing which mediums would supply the colors I wanted, with music and sermons providing a soul soundtrack.

Other things that are new:
  • The Simbiti people group near Musoma are starting to read their language for the first time, including passages from Luke. Read more.
  • We are reading James and the Giant Peach AND The BFG in class.
  • A group of girls who struggle with hurt feelings and little fights explained to me yesterday that they have been praying together and with their moms, and that the friendship disturbances have waned!
  • Kara, one of our five housemates, went back to the states, as had been planned. We have a new temporary housemate. Transition!
  • I plan to start helping with a program that works with local village kids once a week.
  • I can speak a little bit more in Kiswahili, thanks to my quick language studies over break.
  • Pineapples aren't as acidic as in the USA, so I can eat half a fruit with no sore throat.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Featured Updates

I've updated my slideshow, to right. You will see photos of the kids before break, during Fruit (of the Spirit) Day and Medieval Day. Also, there are photos of Thanksgiving and Christmas Break in Iringa.

Also, I would like to invite you to view this Christmas Greeting from Wycliffe President, Bob Creson. It's a good reminder even to me of why I'm here! Also, if you want more detailed stories about Bible translation, you can always go to, on the list link to your right. I just read one about a people so proud of their newly developed alphabet that they carved it into the arch above the entrance to their community.