
Monday, December 3, 2012

Color has Come!

I didn't remember to photograph the murals WITH kids working, because it's a bit of a three-ring-circus to have a dozen kids working with oil-based paints and turpentine. We are on our way!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

I'll Be Home For Christmas

In two weeks I'll fly to Istanbul, then LA, then Portland, OR.
My mom and dad and brother Michael will meet me.
I'll have 2.5 weeks to enjoy visiting friends, family, churches, and the Pacific Northwest.
Here are some things I'm anticipating:

  1. Cold: a change from Fahrenheit 80s to 40s. I'm excited to bundle up... a bit nervous too, to see how my body reacts.
  2. Dark: a change from 12 to 9 hours of daylight.
  3. Love: I'm so excited to hug and spend time-in-the-flesh with dear people. Already I feel loved by people wanting to plan time with me, and people purposing to preserve my health by keeping my plans sparse! (Thanks mom!)
  4. Abundant Stores: I've heard shopping is a bit overwhelming when one goes back home... but I'm excited for the accessibility of unique tea and other special items.
  5. Mountains: The ocean is glorious, but my eyes are used to seeing mountains, and haven't seen one since Kilimanjaro! Here I come Mt. Hood!
  6. Rest: With report cards, Christmas musical, mural painting, and teaching, I've been busy... I'm looking forward to no work responsibilities and a bit of hibernation, bear style.
  7. Celebration: I've been thinking of the marvel, that God, the creator of mountains and us, saw us in the cold and darkness of our sin and separation from him, and became a Man so that we can be with Him and have abundant life and eternal rest. I'm looking forward to celebrating at the churches I'll visit and with my family, including a mid-night mass at the Portland Grotto Christmas Eve.