
Sunday, March 17, 2013


About 10 pm last night, Emily and I put the last brushstrokes on the last two murals... And now they are finished! It was really fun, and I hope that God has more muraling planned for my future, but it's also really nice to be done! I've enjoyed working with the kids to design and execute these, and with Emily and all the people that helped us. Time for a Sabbath rest:)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Four Down, Two to Go!

1st Grade
3rd Grade
2nd Grade

4th Grade
These are the murals that my housemate Emily and I have been working on with a group of about 15 primary students. We started planning at the beginning of the year. We hope to finish the other two tomorrow! It's been lovely to lead the kids in this creation.


Would you believe it?; you can get a cold in a tropical climate zone. I am happily coming out of the fog of sinus congestion today, thanks to a bit of rest, tea, and time.
Yet what brought this on? Well, the night time temperature has dropped a degree or two below 80 degrees Fahrenheit lately. I went from sleeping with no sheet, to pulling up the fleece blanket a couple times last week. I think these drastic temperature shifts shook up my immune system.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Family Meal

Last weekend all my housemates were gone. I got invited over to the house of a couple along with a family of four, all whom I've known since my first day in Tanzania. The couple are long time SIL missionaries. They brought their children up in Papua New Guinea. There, Sunday dinner was always pretzels, because it's easy to make more dough for more friends to join. And, they're fun to create in all sorts of shapes, quick to bake, and yummy to dip in anything from cream cheese to jam. We joined in their tradition, making guitars, hearts, unicorns, spirals... and a gecko! It's fortifying to have family time, when I am far from my own. Sharing a meal and conversation with mixed age levels and people who know you pretty well is a welcome comfort.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Thinking Toward Easter...

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, 
but according to His mercy He saved us, 
through the washing of regeneration & renewing of the Holy Spirit,
whom He poured out on us abundantly 
through Jesus Christ our Savior.
Titus 3:5,6