
Friday, November 28, 2014

Turkey Turkey Turkey

There are enough missionaries from the USA in Musoma to have two Thanksgiving dinners. The first group met yesterday and ate this handsome bird.

It was lovely to gather on a family's porch in the afternoon breeze, sharing food made from scratch and good conversation. Lots of conversation was about family traditions back home! I think mid-bite photos are a Thanksgiving tradition in my family, so this action shot made me smile.

Tomorrow the second group will meet (the group that was working yesterday!). And, yes, yours truly will be there too... I think the only Musoman to attend to Thanksgiving dinners in one week. A record. But those who know me will not be surprised.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Dried Fish and Acceptance

No, it's not a culinary ad. It's not waxing poetical on TZ cuisine, nor disdain. (We all have our own opinions on dried sardines!)

It's about acceptance. Our neighbor Makwasa, when he visited and told Ronit and me about his need, offered us "dagaa," dried sardines. Our first thought was, "No, we don't like to eat them..." But Makwasa was so excited about them, how they were good food, fried in peanut oil.

So we accepted. And we prepared them. And we ate them. We don't love them much, but it was good to remember, as Makwasa said, "It is better to give than receive, so you bless me when you accept." And we were blessed by the giving.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Need

Ronit and I got to know our neighbor, Makwasa, and his family better when they had us over for dinner a couple months ago. Makwasa is the dad. He and his wife, Mama Deborah, have four kids. They are Seventh Day Adventists, welcoming, a nice family.

It's good to have the friendly relationship. We've brought them cookies; they've given us sugar cane...

A big cultural difference between Tanzania and the USA is that money is a normal part of relationships. It's not weird or shameful to ask for money. If someone has money and friends or family members have needs, it's normal to give loans and/or gifts on a regular basis.

For me, coming from the USA, this is strange, because I think money should not be a factor in a friendship. But I want to understand and be a part of this culture. This is also challenging, because Jesus said, "Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away." (Matthew 5:42) This sounds pretty clear, but I struggle to just do it unequivocally, partly because I am asked all the time.

And Makwasa just asked Ronit and me for help, but he actually asked if we would ask our friends, because he has a big need. He had a life-threatening stomach issue and went to India this year for surgery. (He even showed us his endoscopic photos!) Now, the end of the school year, he is coming up $1,300 short on school fees. I want to honor his request and share this need. If you feel led, I can give more information. He needs to know by Thanksgiving weekend.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Paper Bananas

Art yesterday was Matisse-style... I told the kids they had to draw with scissors; no pencils allowed. They were impressed with the challenge.

My demo was this paper drawing. It's the bananas growing on the tree in our yard... lovingly cared for by our guard Shoka. He's floating through the air, which brings in a little Chagall-style. I'm excited; we have 3 trumpets of bananas on the way!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Well, I know that Halloween just happened (but not in Tanzania), and Thanksgiving is still coming (for a few of us in Tanzania), but Christmas is more fun to decorate for... so that's what my house mate and I did Saturday night.

A creche from Israel, a black bear from Canada, a clay man and Elephant from Tanzania... the elephant sporting a hand made hiking backpack from America that looks like it's from India. I'm pleased and amused:)

And they are all there focusing on a baby... the Word made flesh, who was headed to a cross thirty-some years later, to die for the sins of all men. He offers us eternal life if we put our faith in Him. It's a faith that transforms. Even though I've been thinking about it for years, there is so much to truly know... so I'm glad we got started early.