
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Pascaria: Thanksgiving

Thank you for praying for my friend Pascaria. As I shared in August, we were finally able to get her in for surgery. Now, three months later, she's been back twice for check ups and her wounds are healed! She says the pain she was struggling with before has not come back, and is thankful for God's help.

Praise Jehovah-Rophe!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Cha Kutumaini Sina

Our SIL office celebrated the Wycliffe Day of Prayer a week or so ago. We split up into groups and moved together through stations that focused on different parts of the Lord's Prayer. The stations drew us into sharing our testimonies, eating together, praying for unity and love in the office, and for Bible translation here and in the bigger world.

It was really good to do this in mixed groups of expats and Tanzanians, focusing on what we share in Christ.

At the end we wanted to take a group photo. We had to wait for a few people, so we were all standing in a group practicing our smiles. Before we gave up and the group fell apart, one person had the great idea to lead us in "Cha Kutumaini Sina" ("My Hope is Built on Nothing Less"), a well-loved hymn that most people know.

It was a joyous, unified ending to a great day of prayer. I'm thankful for the group I get to be a part of, and will miss them while I'm gone!

Friday, November 13, 2015

The Children, They've Gone to Cubism

Can you identify them now?! As promised, the portraits from last week went Cubist today!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Who Am I?

Last week in art I told the kids about Henri Matisse and Fauvism (splashy, colorful art dubbed art of "wild beasts"). The inspiration for these portraits came from that segment of the lesson. If you know the kids in my class, try to figure out who is who! They pulled on their knowledge of proportion, but abandoned all trappings of natural color.

Now, stay tuned for next week, because these portraits are approaching metamorphosis! Just to give you an idea, after the Matisse information I told the class how Matisse and other artists influenced Picasso and Cubism (art that looks at a subject, breaks it into a million pieces, and puts it back together without traditional reason). WHAT is in store for these faces!??

Monday, November 2, 2015

She's Coming!!!

That's me. I'm coming to the States... in 44 days!

One step ahead... one step at a time... It's a big step, between teaching in sunny Musoma, surrounded by TZ-culture, to visiting darkening Washington, full of PNW-culture.

I'm looking forward to the visit very much, and intimidated at the same time. But that's the nature of life.

And God is with me.

For more information, see my recent newsletter.