
Monday, March 27, 2017

LVLC Mural

It all starts with a blank wall and some ideas from the kids about what would make that wall more beautiful. Then there's some planning and gridding of the wall. Then drawing. Then PAINT! (And maybe a little tree-climbing in between jobs.) More to come...

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Visitors & Safari!!

My brother and his girlfriend are here for a visit! I met them after their Kilimanjaro climb and we drove across Tanzania through three national parks: Tarangire, Ngorogoro, and Serengeti. It's so fun to share this home with them. And our safari was full of marvelous sites: elephants galore, napping leopards and hyenas, FOUR rhinos (rare sightings!), lounging lions, and more. One of my favorite experiences was eating lunch by a hippo pool, surrounded by bright yellow bird weavers (who wanted our food). The hippos snorted and yawned and floated as we enjoyed the very unique dining experience.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


It's been quite exciting in my first math level of the day lately. Addition and multiplication are old hat. But multiplication!!! That's the coolest thing. One day you're doing repeated addition: 5+5+5+5+5=25. And the next day you're doing pure multiplication: 4x5=20!!

It's a pleasure to see the excitement and learning.