
Saturday, December 23, 2017

Saved by the Seal

I've enjoyed so many parts of reconnecting with people and re-entering the Pacific Northwest... beauty, laughter, food, taking a day at a time. Every now and then, though, it gets to be a bit much. I get tired and miss Tanzania and loose perspective of God's goodness. On one such day, I was walking along Elliot Bay in Seattle, praying and wishing I could snap back into enjoying-things-mode. I stopped on the beach and my prayer was answered in an unexpected, enchanting way. This seal was taking a nap. When I woke him up he wiggled his flipper at me. Then he sucked on sand (to get a drink?!). After awhile he shoved himself along the sand and out into the bay. Somehow that unique sight in nature gave me back my perspective. I felt special and free. And I started enjoying the day at hand.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Back in the US of A

 I've been asked a few times recently, "Where in the world are you, Sarah?" And it's a valid question, because I've been quite a few different places since I left Musoma in July! However, for the last month the answer has been: the United States of America. And that's where I'll be for the foreseeable future (though I can't see very far into the future!).

God's worked lots of good in this last month. There's been rest. I have a nice cozy colorful room in my brother's house. Friends have come to visit me and vice versa. I got to have Thanksgiving and a hike with my family. Fall colors were spectacular, my first in 6 years! I have a potential church and met a potential friend there.

Over the next months I'll continue resting and reconnecting. I'll visit supporting churches and partners of my work with Wycliffe. I'll help with one or two children's programs at the Wycliffe center in Orlando and attend a week long workshop about art and missions.

 After that, the future is foggy. It might be time for me to resign from Wycliffe, unless God gives me passion for a new assignment by the end of March. I definitely feel the disequilibrium of loss and the unknown, but I'm excited to see God's good plans as I walk the path ahead and the fog clears!