
Monday, November 15, 2010

Mimi ni ninalala.

Me and some of my new vocabulary.
"That," Sarah says proudly," is a personal present tense conjugation of the Swahili verb, 'to sleep!'"

The whole sentence says means "I am sleeping" or "I sleep" ...Neither is true at this moment, but kulala, "to sleep," is my favorite verb so far, reminiscent of La La Land. I put in my first serious session of Swahili study on Saturday. Very fun :)

God, also, is not sleeping; my monthly support level is up to at least 65%, and likely higher! Many people are praying for me, another essential piece. I feel very blessed and thankful. Thank you to all who are taking interest and playing a part! I am glad God can use us together to bring the Word to those without.

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