
Monday, December 20, 2010

Snow Angels and More!

Midnight Snow Angels
I went on a midnight walk in the snow last night... I won't be doing THAT in Tanzania next year!

It's vacation. The school week ended sweetly, with kids saying that they'd miss me so much (only a little under the influence of hot cocoa I hope).

My church decided to support me, which is a show of the encouragement a they are to me and their devotion to God's Word.
The additional support bumped me to at least 77% of the monthly quota!

Today I got the last installments of my Hepatitis A & B series... more shots to come in the spring!

My teaching certificate application for Tanzania is lost in the postal twilight zone... a minor inconvenience among the blessings God is giving me, as support comes in, my students are sweet & funny, and I get to spend time with dear family and friends over the vacation.

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