
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Tides are Rising!

Doesn't that title just sound good?! I was a little disappointed by the last entry's title... boring. This one rings, even if it doesn't make as much sense. ...So I'll unpack it: First, the "tides" of my Monthly Budget Level are rising... to somewhere near 90%! God has provided; His people have given generously. We are working together to support Bible translation for Tanzanian peoples!

Second, I am blessed by the "tides" of affection from the body of Christ...

Two Sundays ago I shared at my church in Washougal, WA: New Horizons. I shared Wycliffe's vision and my part teaching missionary kids. The church responded with interest, affection, prayers, and financial gifts. I felt so blessed and happily humbled. One of the neat parts of sharing at New Horizons is that I was translated into Spanish as I delivered my message in English. The church includes multiple heart languages. They did not want to exclude anyone from understanding the messages, so they invested in an earpiece translation system!

This Sunday I will share with my church in Sunnyside, WA: Sunnyside Grace Brethren, another dear source of support and blessing.

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