
Monday, June 20, 2011

Pros & Cons

The principal at my new school, HOPAC, recently sent us new-hires a letter. He was giving us a heads-up on the things we can expect in Dar, both pros and cons, so none of us are taken unawares. I thought I'd share:

• Electricity
• Internet
• Swimming pool
• Whitest beaches with bluest sea, nearby
• Supermarkets
• No McDonalds or Burger King (Why did he list that as a con?!)
• Amazing sunsets
• Stunning butterflies and cute geckos
• Long handshakes
• Participation in all of my students’ day, including art and PE time
• Staff meetings are prayer meetings
• God and prayer in the classroom

• Electrical outages
• Quality of internet connection at times
• Traffic… roads behind advance of car ownership
• In-stock items fluctuate at supermarkets
• Language barrier
• Malaria
• Filtering water
• Less planning time during school hours, so more hours overall
• Queueing… he said he would tell us what that is later… I think it has something to do with waiting in lines…

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