
Monday, August 1, 2011

Gecko Blessing!

As I said, there is a lot of new flooding my days and mind. It's very exciting and fun, yet naturally has an overwhelming side. Saturday, after our first week of cultural training, we went shopping... very useful, but overwhelming to me even in the states! So I was tired. Photographs and texts also reminded me of my dear lovely family and friends in the states, living life, me apart. I felt a bit melancholy for the first time since arrival. However, I did find a gecko in my room! I'd been wanting to see one there, as they are SO CUTE and eat bugs. God may have allowed him in to help balance me out. :)

Today our training group attended church "on the penninsula," a church named Coco Beach. It is layperson-led, situated along a glistening shore. The message was another blessing, highlighting King David's perception of God's character: soveriegn and loving. I'm trying to focus on who God is as I start to live and work here.

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