
Monday, October 24, 2011

Zanzibar Rest

 Last week was mid-term break. Three of my housemates and I went to Zanzibar for three nights. We stayed on the beach. Here is a picture of Rose, Ali, and Emily (and Winston, another teacher from our school) about to jump on the beautiful white sand. I got to swim in that aquamarine Indian Ocean each morning!

This is a photo of the village situated along the beach. Many people in the village fish and have businesses for tourists, such as massage or restaurants.

We went on a spice tour. I loved seeing how spices grow! This is nutmeg, wrapped in crimson mace!

It was nice to have a rest. Today we are back to work/school. My class is preparing to present about Medieval Times at our Friday assembly this week. Lots of work ahead!!

1 comment:

  1. Ooooo that beautiful aquamarine water looks very inviting! The photo of nutmeg is so cool...I had no idea that is how it looks.

