
Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Just a quick "hi" before the internet cafe kicks me out!

Merry Christmas!

Here I am Christmas Day at a vegetable farm called Masafiyo Vegetables... "Praises Vegetables."
I praise God for His vegetables, for the peace of nature, for friends He provides (see Bev and Katy eating their vegetables!), and for Emmanual, God With Us, Jesus.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Colorful Kids

Term 1 is winding down. Next week is the last, and will be full of Christmas Production practices and Medieval Day, feast included. It's been a term full of learning for the kids and me. They've learned about multiplication and Medieval Times and the mystery of Christ revealed throughout Genesis. I've learned all that AND about 8/9 year old minds and social interactions. They are amazing kids, very curious and humorous and intelligent. I hope to enjoy them even more next term, and to teach better, now that I have an idea of what I'm doing! I continually need Christ to be my sufficiency, supplying the wisdom and patience and love that I do not have in myself. (2 Corinthians 3:5,6)

Here are two colorful pictures from last week, one during Spirit Week, on Fruit of the Spirit Day... All come as a fruit! I was a mango if you were wondering... the most glorious of all fruits. I eat at least one a day. The other photo is of a rainbow that showed up Thursday morning. Half the school came out to see it!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

International Thanksgiving

So Thanksgiving dinner number one was graciously prepared by an Irish woman whose family has decided that Thanksgiving is a nice holiday. We played a rollicking word game after the meal.

Our house hosted Thanksgiving number two. In attendance were friends from school and SIL, representing Canada, Austria, USA, Northern Ireland, and a bit of Korea and Papa New Guinea. The table was full of yumminess.

A special third Thanksgiving happened via skype... I got to chat with my family at the dinner table as they had TG dinner and I had pumpkin pie with mango and passion fruit for breakfast! I felt like I was right in the room!
And tomorrow evening I will go eat Mexican food in Tanzania at a house restaurant owned by a family from South Africa... How's that for international cuisine?!