
Friday, December 9, 2011

Colorful Kids

Term 1 is winding down. Next week is the last, and will be full of Christmas Production practices and Medieval Day, feast included. It's been a term full of learning for the kids and me. They've learned about multiplication and Medieval Times and the mystery of Christ revealed throughout Genesis. I've learned all that AND about 8/9 year old minds and social interactions. They are amazing kids, very curious and humorous and intelligent. I hope to enjoy them even more next term, and to teach better, now that I have an idea of what I'm doing! I continually need Christ to be my sufficiency, supplying the wisdom and patience and love that I do not have in myself. (2 Corinthians 3:5,6)

Here are two colorful pictures from last week, one during Spirit Week, on Fruit of the Spirit Day... All come as a fruit! I was a mango if you were wondering... the most glorious of all fruits. I eat at least one a day. The other photo is of a rainbow that showed up Thursday morning. Half the school came out to see it!

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