
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Easter Celebration

We just finished with our Easter Celebration here at HOPAC. The students rotated through seven stations,experiencing events in the last week of Jesus' life. I got to share seven times in a row about the last meal that Jesus "ferverently desired" to share with His disciples.

We talked about special meals we share with family and special things we give each other when we part. We connected this to what Jesus gave to remind us of Him: bread and wine. We talked about how He chose to break His body for us, the bread, and to shed His blood for us, the wine. I especially liked talking about "the blood of the new covenant," not like the old covenant that required animal sacrifices for forgiveness of sins... but the new covenant where Jesus' blood forgives us once and for all and enables us to have His Spirit to change us.

I am deeply glad for that, because I can not change myself nor earn forgiveness, just as the Isrealites could not for all the hundreds of years of old testament history.

Happy Easter!

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