
Monday, March 12, 2012


The field trip we took last week was designed for me. Pottery is not a big thing in Tanzania, but it just so happens that 3rd grade at HOPAC go to a mineral supply company to learn about making pottery.

It links perfectly with Ancient Greek history, which we will study next term, and States of Matter, which we are studying now. I had lots of fun telling the kids about my parents' pottery business and showing their OPB Art Beat footage. We talked about how Ancient Greek history is preserved in part through the vessels found in archeological digs, including the drawings of daily life the Greeks painted on their pottery. We talked about the solids, liquids, and temperatures involved in ceramics.

 On the field trip kids got to hand build and experience throwing their own pottery. I felt at home, a little home-sick, surrounded by all the smells and sights of a workshop.

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