
Friday, May 11, 2012

Coming Glory

It's two months and a week until my parents come to visit! It's the same amount of time until my one year anniversary in Dar. As you can see here, they've been training for our climb up Mt. Kilimanjaro. I'm very excited to hug them and share Tanzania and our climb.
I'm a bit run down these days... I've been sick one way or another for two weeks. It makes it easier to be homesick and feel discouraged by my shortcomings teaching. (I'm TRYING to remember what grace is all about, but it's hard to do sometimes.) So, it's nice to look ahead to some rest, familiar faces, and immersion in God's restorative and soothing creation.


  1. I'm excited for you and your family to reunite. The kids and I have been praying for you (and Indumathi, our Compassion girl) every morning before we start school. Praying for encouragement for you and God's blessings to be evident to you right now.
    With our love,

  2. Thanks so much Kristen. I truly appreciate it. Also, it's good to hear from you!

  3. Sarah,
    Gene and I pray for you every day. Remember, you are an amazing woman of God, and are a fabulous teacher! We love you and are so very proud of you. Keep the good faith!
    In Him,
    Gene and Tammra

  4. That's so exciting that your parents will visit you in Africa! And awesome that they plan to hike Mt. Kilimanjaro! You Deals are amazing folks.
