
Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Year Winds Down...

The year winds down... Here are my kids on International Day, at the beginning of the year. Two kids have gone and one has come since this photo was taken. They're still as colorful as ever, metaphorically speaking! I'm thankful for their unique personalities and their cohesive group zesty personality. It's made the year challenging AND amusing. Just today three girls explained that, when they got their uniforms mixed up during swimming class, they only had to smell them to figure out whose is whose. They said it like that is the most normal thing in the world. We also had a lovely discussion about Charlotte's Web out beneath the baobab tree and wrapped up our Bible studies by listening to and illustrating "Thief" by Third Day.

My thoughts are a bit disjointed, with all the busyness. This week in school I've written report cards, we're publishing a class newspaper... and in our house there's been lice, a friend visiting from Mbeya, and we're planning for a bonfire on Saturday. It's fun, and I'm glad for the rest and travels and my parents coming!

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