
Saturday, July 21, 2012

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Mom and Dad are here now! They are a couple of my favorite people. They are enjoying the sights of Dar for the first time... Sights like two goats in a box on the back of a bicycle. Bicycles also carry stacks of eggs, hundreds of bread loaves, cages of chickens, et cetra. Dad likes to see the geckos, birds, and cows grazing along the road. Mom likes the women with tubs of bananas on their heads wearing pretty kangas (sarongs).
One of my favorite sites ever was when I was sitting in traffic, where vendors walk up and down with their wares. I was impressed with the bananas and machetes (pangas), but what really gave me joy was the guy with an aquarium full of tropical fish on top of his head. It is hard to take photos in traffic, so I drew a picture from memory too:)

1 comment:

  1. Who knew how much joy a guy with an aquarium on his head could bring? Gave me a big smile too :) Glad to hear mom/dad are having a great time on their adventure, thanks for taking care of them for me! Love you all, enjoy your journey up Kilimanjaro!
