
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Embarking on Our "Voyage of Discovery"

This is a quote from my principal's opening letter to parents this week. He wrote a unique sentence about each teacher. Mine says, "Grade 3 is still Miss Deal's class. She will be taking them on a really imaginative voyage of discovery through their curriculum this year." So off we go! 

The first three days were really fun; it's so nice to feel like I know what I'm doing. And, my new class is very sweet and exuberant. They cheered when we went to art, and when they got to take their first timed math tests. They shivered in anticipation as we began to investigate The Mystery of Christ. They listed all manner of transportation, from camels to golf carts, as we began our topic studies. Almost everyone turned in their first homework. One student came up and thanked me for our first math lesson. Another requested that the class pray aloud all together at the same time. And a student from last year brought me a gecko made out of a soda can. A good first week.

I pray Christ will love and build up these lovely children through me (in part!) this year.

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