
Thursday, October 25, 2012

You Too Can Clash Like This!

I've wanted to mention clashing for a long time. It's been on my list of things to blog about all year. Originally the photo in my mind was of a beautiful Tanzanian woman garbed in a panoply of patterns and colors that flow behind her as she carries a basket of bananas down the dirt road. That photo has never been taken, however many opportunities I've seen. So, here am I, feeling liberated and joyful in the freedom of color and pattern that I have here in Tanzania.


  1. Hey, that's a page from my style from back in 5th grade! Remember my plaid shirts with MC Hammer pants? I spent all these years trying to figure out how to coordinate and now you're telling me clashing is back in style? Cool digs, btws!

    1. True thing! You may have to come to Africa to live it out though!
