
Monday, November 26, 2012


Grade 2 Students finish drawing their design
for Grade 1 Mural, with help from a mom.

Plan for Grade 1 Mural
A few years ago, when I was in Bolivia, I was asked to paint Psalm 23 on the wall in the living area of Bolivian Youth Ministries. Since then, I've had the privilege to paint murals and facilitate kids painting murals in Sunnyside, WA. Now I have a group of students at HOPAC in Tanzania who have designed six murals, one for each primary classroom. We are at the stage where their designs are being drawn on the walls, with the stage they've all been waiting for coming soon... PAINT! It's exciting to see colors and ideas going up on the wall. I'm happy and intrigued to see that God has put all these murals in my path, and I wonder what may be in the future. And yes... each one does have a mermaid.

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