
Friday, January 4, 2013

Heri ya Krismasi!

 "Heri ya Krismasi" means Merry Christmas in Swahili. And I certainly had a merry Christmas. It was such a blessing to be with family and so many friends during the two weeks I was home. I got to visit three churches, go hiking and stay at the beach with my family, eat lots of good food, and just be with people I haven't been with for a year and a half. It was wonderful.

I returned to Dar es Salaam this morning at 3:30 am. I unpacked, went for a swim in the school pool, napped for 5 hours, and had dinner with  friends. Tomorrow I'll go into school to consider term 2, which begins Monday. It's a bit disorienting to be back, with such a change in climate, people, and activity, but I'm excited to see what God has planned.

The Lord is my strength;
He will make my feet
like deer's feet,
and He will make me walk
on my high hills.
Habukkuk 3:19

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