
Friday, February 15, 2013

Quite a Lovely Week

 Left: Grade 1 mural in progress! Right: Two worlds collide in my girly girl (note leopard strappy sandals and hair style) who loves to collect natural wonders like dead butterflies and tad poles. Lower Left: I got to teach art this week, since the art teacher was out. The kids did a great job of designing ads for our
class newspaper. (Note the flower of kindness on desk... passed on from student to student in honor of kind acts.) Lower Right: Ah, the creativity! Left over paper strips become beards, headbands, and golden earrings for aspiring pirates. Lowest Left: The whole primary school picture. Lowest Right: A broken but beautiful butterfly... Like so many of us. It's amazing we can still fly, but we can, by Christ's restorative work.

Friday, February 8, 2013

House Life

Here are my housemates: Ali, Emily, Rose, and Danielle. They hail from TN, N. Ireland, PA, and CT. I'm very thankful for the humor, encouragement, prayer, good examples, fun, and family that God has given us in our Tanzanian home.
We are pictured with our new house shirts that I designed for Christmas presents. Each person is represented by their favorite produce: Ali=papaya, Emily=butternut squash, Rose=popcorn, Danielle=peanut (butter), and I=mango... Popcorn and peanut butter might be stretching "produce."