
Friday, February 15, 2013

Quite a Lovely Week

 Left: Grade 1 mural in progress! Right: Two worlds collide in my girly girl (note leopard strappy sandals and hair style) who loves to collect natural wonders like dead butterflies and tad poles. Lower Left: I got to teach art this week, since the art teacher was out. The kids did a great job of designing ads for our
class newspaper. (Note the flower of kindness on desk... passed on from student to student in honor of kind acts.) Lower Right: Ah, the creativity! Left over paper strips become beards, headbands, and golden earrings for aspiring pirates. Lowest Left: The whole primary school picture. Lowest Right: A broken but beautiful butterfly... Like so many of us. It's amazing we can still fly, but we can, by Christ's restorative work.

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