
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Easter Messages Spoken Via the Zambezi Swing

During our Easter Break trip, two of my friends and I experienced 170 feet of gravity in the Zambezi Gorge. It was an exhilarating experience, which God used to remind me of a few things in HIS character. He used Kulu, the man who you will see helping me jump off the cliff in this video clip, to demonstrate these things. I pray I will remember and apply them as I finish my time at HOPAC and move into the next step.
  1. Trust the speaker, who has earned the trust by what he has shown. His voice is sure, clear, strong, and under control.
  2. Listen. Don’t dwell on it. Just obey. 3-2-1-step… then it’s exhilarating.
  3. I think it would be harder to step if you had doubted and faltered the first time.
  4. Yet He firmly and kindly assures and guides those who falter… lifts the chin, asks them to look in his eyes, and leads them through, nudges even.
  5. He treats each one differently, as they need.
  6. The first moments after the step are the scariest, and most exhilarating. Then it is joy. Joy to see the creation around you and to know you stepped.
  7. But during those scary moments you can’t go back. You already stepped in faith. It is out of your hands and in the hands of what and who you have trusted. 

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