
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Rythyms of Language School

My life in language school has definite routine. I like that, in contrast to all the travel and lack of schedule this summer (which I also liked). Each morning I read scripture and pray before breakfast. Classes stretch until lunch, with a tea break in between. After lunch come studying, excersise, clothes washing, and resting. Then dinner. I enjoy the communal meal times, chatting with others who are studying or passing through the campsite. The day ends with more studies, recreational reading, and bed. 
Wednesdays I mix it up by going into town to purchase fruit and use the internet. Saturday gets more rest, studying, and maybe a hike and/or international phone call. Sunday there's church and rest. Repeat. 
Actually, this week I'll add something to the schedule; I'm going to start volunteering at an elementary school twice a week instead of class. I'll be here three more weeks, then I graduate and make my way to Musoma... to start a new rythym of living!

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