
Monday, November 18, 2013


Well, this is me congratulating myself, as "hongera" means congratulations. The stacks of paper you see pictured are all the flashcards I've studied while here at language school for the past ten weeks. Most of those cards are now in the trash, a celebratory measure for the words I know! 
That's not all. I've studied loads of grammar, practiced conversation and story writing, started to read the Bible and the newspaper in Swahili, and taught six geography lessons to third graders. Beyond the academic realm, I got to go on my first real wildlife safari, met lots of neat people, lived at a beautiful campsite, and got back into my mango habit (after the summer away). 
This really isn't a self congratulations. It's a celebration and a thanks to God for the learning and blessings I've experienced here. And now there's one week to go. I plan to depart Saturday, spend two weeks in Dar... then on to MUSOMA!!

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