
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ulonge Elementary

I've started something new, something that adds challenge to my use of Swahili. I'm volunteering twice a week at a local elementary school, speaking only Swahili. I'm working with the third grade, which is 45 kids in one class. I'm pulling out groups of 6 or 7 for about 40 minutes. I'm still getting to know the needs, but some can't read at all, so we'll work on that. Others need work on reading comprehension. Somehow we'll fit in some games and artwork.
You might ask, "why are multiple kids in grade 3 unable to read?" The answer is found in the unfortunate state of current public education. Tanzania is dealing with an overflow of student population and a lack of teachers, especially well-trained teachers and teachers who do their job. Of the 8 times I entered grade 3 on my first day, only 1 time was there a teacher present in the room with them. The other times they were sitting and talking. There were however teachers in the office chatting. From my understanding this is not uncommon. I want to learn more about this issue. I'm sure there is no quick fix, nor one entity to blame. For now, I'm there to observe, and glad to give the kids more educational attention than usual. 

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