
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Glimpses of Our Day

Again, the week was full and fun yet not draining. I'm very thankful.

Picture #1: Each morning we start with writing praises, thanks, and prayer requests on the white board. (Which color do YOU like to pray in?!) Then we read a devotional and pray together.

Picture #2: Each afternoon we study science, which really IS as exciting as the kids are showing you... because we're growing radish seeds. There's something breathtaking and magical about seeing new life spring from a dead-looking seed. Marvelous God. I'm so thankful to get to start with such an engaging unit.

So yes, this nontraditional teaching seems to be a good fit for me.

Picture #3: Also, the policy-writing portion of my job is a good balance to classroom time. I'm so glad that our meetings have included some laughter along with the hard work, once due to a sea monster drawing activity!

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