
Friday, April 11, 2014

Levity In the Classroom

Levity: the treatment of a serious matter with humor.

I have a little notebook; I started keeping it at my first job, after realizing that teaching is challenging and that I take myself too seriously. So I started writing down some of the funny things kids say: The free entertainment of a teacher. The notebook helps me balance my focus between the serious responsibility of my job, and the lighthearted, joyous, silly subjects of my job.

Here are some levity additions from teaching here at Lake Victoria Learning Center:

"Since I was thinking about Star Wars all evening, I won lots of battles in my dreams."

After reading a simple (yes/no) phonics workbook question: "Is a lobster ticklish under it's nostrils?" 
The student reflected, "I've never tickled a lobster... if I did it would bite me... unless I used a long stick... but it would have to be light enough so I could run away quickly... but not too light because it might bend too much..."

When asked why he and other students were lying curled up in the dirt, while other kids ran around them... 
"It's a new game. You pretend that you're a seed and somebody plants you. Then if you get watered by the plant monster you have to chase him." Is this an effect of my plant unit?!

"I told my mom I'll have a good attitude TODAY after school, because it's after art." What does that mean the other days of the week?!

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