
Monday, May 19, 2014

Pizza Church!

It was a quiet Saturday morning when my phone buzzed in a text message: "Would you like to come to pizza church at 10 am tomorrow?" Who ever knew there was a pizza church in Musoma?!!

I did not, could not, refuse this mysterious invitation.

On Sunday my housemate and I arrived (at the home of our students) for pizza church. We started with some guitar-led singing. Then we acted out the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal, as the father read it aloud. I got to be King Ahaz. We shared some "fresh bread," things that have recently impacted us in the Word.

Next was the pizza part. My student taught me how it's done... but I showed him a couple new tricks too... like cat pizzas and moon pizzas. Altogether a delicious experience.

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