
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Seven Happy Birthday Blessings

  1. Monday: Surprise birthday party at an LVLC family's home. I know it LOOKS like Christmas, but that's just because the kids enjoyed piling stuffed animals on my lap and gracing my head with a Santa hat. 
  2. Breakfast: hot coffee and homemade carrot cake... fresh coconut, pineapple, dates, and all!!
  3. Classroom: Sneakily decorated by a mom the night before... during a rain storm.
  4. Phone calls: Mom took the morning shift and Dad the evening.
  5. Presents: Jokes, a hand-drawn kangaroo rat, tea, fruit leather, and more!
  6. Verse: "The old is gon, the noo has com." I think it's still phonetically OK, so I don't feel bad about my teaching. And I appreciate the reminder of spiritual rebirth from this 1st grader.
  7. Dinner: A tasty, saucy pork dish at a nearby roadside cafe... maybe Ronit and I will become regulars and it will be like Cheers, where everyone knows our names.

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