
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Pascaria's Angels

Today we had some lovely guests: Pascaria, her sister, niece, and 5 assorted kids. It was a Christmasy celebration, with gifts, reading of Luke in the Kwaya language, traditional food (pilau, a spiced rice dish, and soda pop), and games. And, Ronit and I got to introduce them all to ice cream and Frisbee for the first time ever!

For gifts, we gave this angel collage I made and some other things; they brought us matching kangas (they are like sarongs, but they have a Swahili proverb. Ours say "TUVUMILIANE TUSIKOSANE KWA JAMBO DOGO," which means "We shouldn't sin against each other over small issues.") You can see me wearing it in the Frisbee photo.

It was a really nice day.

And soon I'll continue celebrating Christmas, but in my childhood culture! Airplane, here I come!

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