
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happenings at the Learning Center

Top: Scary faces? Funny faces? Anyway, the faces were one of the last clay projects the kids did in art. Next, we move back into 2D art, with mosaics. I loved seeing how their clay skills have grown.
Middle: Puppies are here! Thanks to two mama dogs on property, we often have a new batch of break time playmates. I enjoy watching the kids' joy.
Bottom: Modern history! We've studied empires, revolutions, trade, and more from 1500-1900 AD. Here, the kids sorted cards that show what themes were important during the 2 sections we've completed, and what's coming in the last section which starts with WWI. I've learned a lot and been impressed by how 9 and 11 year olds can process the complicated events.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Happy Birthday Gati!

One of my favorite walks takes me by the home of these kids and their parents. Sometimes kids along the road call out wazungu (basically it means white person) and/or ask for money. These kids are always a breath of fresh air because they are so friendly and polite, shaking hands and using the appropriate greeting, shikamoo

A while back the middle brother respectfully asked my housemate for a puto. We didn't know what that was, but pantomime showed that he wanted a balloon. Who could resist such a request?!

When my mom came to visit I asked her to bring some puto. As you can see, they were a hit. And, the timing was perfect because it turned out to be the oldest girl's birthday!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Need Coconut? ...Have a Goat?

Shredded coconut. Of course you don't just get that at the grocery store here. It's much more interesting. You buy a coconut at the market, then you smack it a good one... open coconut! Next you get out your goat to grind out the delicious filling. 

Yes, I said goat... that's a direct translation of the device pictured above, a sit-upon kitchen implement with a serrated  blade made specifically for grinding coconut. It's an "mbuzi" in Swahili, which is the word for goat... Looks sort of like a goat, right?