
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happenings at the Learning Center

Top: Scary faces? Funny faces? Anyway, the faces were one of the last clay projects the kids did in art. Next, we move back into 2D art, with mosaics. I loved seeing how their clay skills have grown.
Middle: Puppies are here! Thanks to two mama dogs on property, we often have a new batch of break time playmates. I enjoy watching the kids' joy.
Bottom: Modern history! We've studied empires, revolutions, trade, and more from 1500-1900 AD. Here, the kids sorted cards that show what themes were important during the 2 sections we've completed, and what's coming in the last section which starts with WWI. I've learned a lot and been impressed by how 9 and 11 year olds can process the complicated events.

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