
Monday, June 15, 2015

Pray for Paskaria

My friend set out on a journey today. She's had a medical problem for 7 years... and she is going for treatment, hence the smile!

The hospital here is not equipped to help her, so she's traveling 4 hours by bus to Mwanza, south of here. It's taken a lot of God's providence to even get to this point; she needed a letter from a doctor and we needed to figure out all the ins and outs of going to/staying in a new town and paying for services.

But today's the day. She and her sister are on the bus now. (You always need someone with you at a Tanzanian hospital, because the nurses aren't in charge of all the services, like meals. Family is.)

Please pray for Paskaria. Pray she receives what she needs for her healing (most likely an operation), and that she looks to Christ for her confidence. Also pray for her family (6 kids and an elderly mom) while she's away, that they would be safe and also trust in Christ, as they are worried about the prospect of an operation.

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