
Friday, June 3, 2016

25 Days To Go!

Yes, those are two ice cream cones in my hands... four flavors all together! My brother and his girlfriend took me on a lovely walking/eating tour of some areas around their place when I visited them in Seattle last week.

Now, back to the hammock. Pierre the Cat likes to join me.

25 more days until I return to TZ. I'm thankful for the family/friend and resting times I've had in the States. This transition feels harder and less definite than transitions have felt in the past. That's because I don't yet have a sense for what I'm doing after the one more year in TZ... and due to some changes I don't actually know where or with whom I'm living in the upcoming year. But I know my Good Shepherd has good plans. He's always given very good gifts in the past.

Please pray that I hear and follow His leading.

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