
Saturday, June 18, 2016

New Slideshow!!

As I come to the end of my time in the States it's fun to look through photos I've taken here... Photos of friends, fun, trips, food, art, rest... There have been hard questions, sleepless nights, struggle with fear... but as I look back as the photos in this new slideshow I see how my lot indeed has fallen in pleasant places (Ps 16).

Friday, June 3, 2016

25 Days To Go!

Yes, those are two ice cream cones in my hands... four flavors all together! My brother and his girlfriend took me on a lovely walking/eating tour of some areas around their place when I visited them in Seattle last week.

Now, back to the hammock. Pierre the Cat likes to join me.

25 more days until I return to TZ. I'm thankful for the family/friend and resting times I've had in the States. This transition feels harder and less definite than transitions have felt in the past. That's because I don't yet have a sense for what I'm doing after the one more year in TZ... and due to some changes I don't actually know where or with whom I'm living in the upcoming year. But I know my Good Shepherd has good plans. He's always given very good gifts in the past.

Please pray that I hear and follow His leading.