
Friday, July 1, 2016


Into The Light
Hrossa Art

Hello from England, my stopping point on the way back to TZ. I was really happy to complete my four art projects before departing the States. Each one has a story, some I've shared in previous blogs. They speak of Our Father's goodness and the growth I see Him working in my life. I started them in the art workshops my mom and I took together, one a month since January. It was really fun to learn new techniques and get input from our instructor.

I don't think I've shared "The Stirring Within" previously. Butterflies are an ongoing metaphor for the spiritual transformation I have in Christ. God guided me back to the image, this time focusing on the chrysalis... a shell that I formed around myself, a shell that needs to open to let new life out. I rejoice that it's His Spirit in me that makes it possible to push out of the shell, and it's His life that flows out. This is the only piece that has yet to find a home; if you're interested let me know!

The Stirring Within

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