
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Lake Flies

It's ridiculous really; I've lived by Lake Victoria for nearly three years now and I don't believe I've ever blogged about lake flies. Perhaps you thought this is a picture of dust I swept up? No, pure lake flies. And it's a very small batch too.

Sometimes I'm up on the rock, looking at the lake. I see a large cloud moving towards land. I used to think, "Strange, how could there be a big fire on the lake?" because it looks just like smoke from a raging fire. But no, it's lake flies. They lay eggs in the lake, hatch as nymphs, then rise to the air in a cloud for a quick mating season that sums up their adult lives. 

Once they hit land you need to hold your breathe to avoid breathing them in. If your house sits on the lake, as my new home does, you get a big clean up job. This was what I got off one half of my porch from just a minor cloud of flies.


  1. Unbelievable! How often does it happen?

  2. That must really gross you out. What happens if you do get some up your nose?

  3. Those may be edible, per Ayieko, et al, "Consumption, indigeneous knowledge and cultural values of the lakefly species within the Lake Victoria region". Also, I heard a microbiologist on the radio say that eating food that has fallen on the floor can help introduce useful microbiota into our systems.

    Not that I'm suggesting anything...

  4. Interesting fact, apparently lake flies don't have mouths so they cannot bite. That's reassuring!
