
Saturday, October 22, 2016

Midterm Break

We reached midterm break already... and it's almost over! I was blessed to travel with my co-teacher, Lyndy, to Cape Town, South Africa for a subsidized retreat put on by an organization that ministers to women in missions. It was a good time to meet sisters in Christ, hear from the Word, see new beauties in nature, eat fun food, and just get away for a time.

One of my favorite times was when I happened to wake early. I went down to the waterfront as the sun tinted the sky pink and the moon meandered towards setting. It was refreshing just to watch the waves, hearing them crash. I reflected on some passages in scripture that God has put in my path recently. Particularly, messages about how God gives us a firm footing as we look to Him in the challenges of life (Psalm 84:5-7, Isaiah 54:12-17, & 1 Peter 5:10). I am comforted by this truth because I feel challenged by living alone and not knowing what's next in life... Yet I know He has GOOD in these things.

To finish off the morning, I looked to my right and saw a little pool down in the rocks below me. I went down. The pool was full of different colored sea anemones, seaweed, and even a few sea urchins! I'd been wanting to see sea anemones, and there they were! A gift for the morning.

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