
Friday, November 11, 2016

Wycliffe World Day of Prayer

Today we came together at the office to pray. "We" is all of the Tanzanian staff (translators, operations personnel, cleaners, etc...) and missionaries (translation advisers, linguists, teachers, etc...). Wycliffe organizes this day of prayer every year, and each office around the world observes it in their own way. We prayed for the needs of our office and for specific translation, literacy, and personal needs around Tanzania and the world. I enjoyed praying in a group with some of the Tanzanian staff, because I don't get to see them very often (the learning center where I teach is not at the office.); I got to hear what prayer points enthused them or brought up questions. I also enjoyed sharing tea and lunch, singing and prayer with the whole group.

This photo shows The Lord's Prayer, with one line per each of the languages translated in our office. For more photos of the day, see The Mara Cluster Project (our office) FB post from today.

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