
Friday, December 30, 2016

Christmas Around the World

I was just talking with a friend about our Christmases. I told her about the three-way Skype I had with my family: my older brother & his girlfriend in Seattle (top left), my parents and younger brother & his girlfriend in Portland (bottom right). I told her how it felt all warm and cozy to "all be in the same room together." Then I laughed because I don't think that's exactly how my mom felt about it; somehow over the years of being away, with loved ones all around the globe, now a Skype does feel like being together. Lovely friends in Australia & the USA emailed me, I WhatsApped with a dear ones in N. Ireland & the USA (bottom left). God's given me love around the world. And I was with one of my favorite families here in Musoma... but I guess we were having too much fun to take photos of anything but the cookies we made (top right)!

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