
Friday, December 16, 2016

I Feel

Today we finished the semester. We invited friends and family. The kids read aloud writing projects, showed art, acted out a play about Archimedes, sang Australian Jingle Bells, etc. It was a good time. It's been a good semester.

Before the presentation one of my students said, "Are we going to toss around that ball with the sentences?" It's a beach ball I have. It has sentence starters like, "I feel," "I liked," "I learned," and "I wonder" It's a great way to sum up a time period with students. It's fun, and everyone can put their thoughts/ feelings to words.

I hadn't remembered the ball; it's been in a drawer all semester. I love it when students do the leading!

I said, "I feel happy that it's been a good semester, with the G family back, and I'm a bit sad that the N family will be gone next semester."

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