
Friday, January 27, 2017

Hot Dog Encouragement

Way back in the summer of 2006 I went for my first job interview. I remember that morning I prayed that God would give me the "people, place, and purpose" that He wanted for me. My mom drove me to the interview, 4 hours away. It was really hot. I was nervous; when I changed into my interview clothes in a public restroom I remember looking up to the skylight and feeling like Joan of Arc going to the stake. (Dramatic, yes.)

I interviewed. They offered me the job that day, but I followed proper etiquette and said I'd think about it... Then I called the principal early the next morning to say I'd take it. Her reply: "Hot dog!" Her enthusiasm made me so happy. Then, after I started teaching I got this cute metal hot dog decoration in a gift from the district. They didn't know about her declaration, but it's been an encouragement to me ever since, hanging in my classroom wherever I go.

I'm so thankful for God giving me the people, place, and purpose He gave in that first job, and when I taught in Dar es Salaam, and where I am now, in Musoma. I'm also thankful that I know He has good plans for the future, though I don't see what they are right now. Maybe here, maybe somewhere else.

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