
Thursday, April 13, 2017

LVLC Around the World

Every semester is different. This is one of the more stretched-out ones!

My co-teacher is in the States on furlough. One family is in Israel, taught by my former housemate with instructions from me. Up until last Tuesday I was teaching six kids in the LVLC building in Musoma. But two are on their way to the Netherlands for furlough. Their mom will finish up instruction for the semester.

So after Easter we start back up with four in Musoma, and the rest spread around the world! All the goodbyes aren't my favorite, but I love living and hearing about the adventures.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Different Views

A couple weekends ago I spent Sunday afternoon with Pascaria and her family. It's so lovely to have a Tanzanian home that feels comfortable. We sat around, exchanging news. We snacked. I felt tired, so they pulled out a mat for me to rest on the floor.

Pascaria took my phone and had fun taking pictures. I took it back and took some photos from my low vantage point. I've spent a lot of time over the years here sitting in that room, often looking out he door to life in the neighborhood, so I made sure to take a photo of the door.

Again, it's a lovely relationship. It was an answer to prayer for a Tanzanian friend, and Pascaria's certainly a friend.

I'd appreciate prayer for her, as she continues to support a large family, that God would be her strength and provide her needs.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

LVLC Mural #2

Week two of painting! Despite a small squall, the kids thoroughly enjoyed seeing their design come to life. We're nearly done with the water side. Next to come is the land side.

It's been a fun way to end this portion of the semester. One family is leaving during the Easter break for a furlough, so it's good to have their input (such as monster and mermaid input!) and presence for this indelible project.