
Friday, April 7, 2017

Different Views

A couple weekends ago I spent Sunday afternoon with Pascaria and her family. It's so lovely to have a Tanzanian home that feels comfortable. We sat around, exchanging news. We snacked. I felt tired, so they pulled out a mat for me to rest on the floor.

Pascaria took my phone and had fun taking pictures. I took it back and took some photos from my low vantage point. I've spent a lot of time over the years here sitting in that room, often looking out he door to life in the neighborhood, so I made sure to take a photo of the door.

Again, it's a lovely relationship. It was an answer to prayer for a Tanzanian friend, and Pascaria's certainly a friend.

I'd appreciate prayer for her, as she continues to support a large family, that God would be her strength and provide her needs.

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