
Saturday, September 23, 2017

Housework & Holy Places

I've been in Israel for the last three weeks with an interesting mix of activities. Main focus: working at a guesthouse in the Jerusalem Hills. I joined my friend, Ronit, who has been working here for a couple months. So that's watering flowers, changing beds, washing laundry, sweeping, etc. I've enjoyed the mundane tasks as a break from my normal teaching work, which takes a lot more creativity and leadership. It gives my mind some time for rest and more prayer than usual. It's also been beautiful to start each day with worship and prayer together at the guesthouse.

Then, on a couple afternoons off, Ronit's shown me around Jerusalem. The second time we went in was epic. We walked into the Jewish quarter via a staircase up to the Zion Gate. Ronit ordered us shwarma sandwiches then led me around a corner. The view that met my eyes included the hill where Jesus ascended to heaven, the Dome of the Rock, the Wailing Wall, rooftops of Jerusalem dwellers, a flock of doves glinting in the sun, lots of cats, and more! I tried to capture it all in my drawing:) I've been surprised that something about being in this place does make Jesus seem a little more tangible. I'm looking forward to seeing more, now that we're done working at the guesthouse.

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